
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Products I Love

Ok. I don't usually endorse a lot of products but these are a few that I feel I need to rave about for a moment!

1: EOS products...yes all of them. Evolution of Smooth is a new-ish (at least new to me) brand of organic, paraben free products. They make a chapstick, shaving lotion, hand lotion, and body lotion.  I have personally only tried the chapstick and shaving lotion but I am in love and will certainly try the others! First, the chapstick, not only is it cute, unique, and tasty, it is completely moisturizing and it seems to help actually heal the lips...not just layer wax over them.  Now for the shaving lotion...AMAZING! I ALWAYS get razor burn/bumps in at least a couple spots on my legs after shaving...not anymore! Seriously! This stuff is so moisturizing, it claims you can even shave dry. I didn't even need to put on lotion afterwards to avoid itching (which is something else I USED to experience after every shave).  And it comes in a plastic, recyclable bottle (no more rust ring!) I know it's sad that the thought of no more rust ring is really what prompted me to buy this but...oh, well. Needless to say, I will never buy another brand of shaving cream. And, EOS shaving lotion is the same price as those other brands. 

2: M.A.C. blush and bronzer - I have such a hard time finding colors of blush to match my complexion since I have such pink undertones.  Everything just seems too pink to layer over pink or too orange-y to blend with my pinks.  M.A.C may be expensive but the range of colors they have could match any tone! I have finally found my blush for life! As for the bronzer, I actually use it as a sculpting powder (again, my pale complexion makes sculpting powders and other drug store bronzers too dark and orange-y).  This is amazing! It's light but you can build it up as dark as you want. I LOVE it!

3: Cosmedix Refine - For those who know me, you know I struggle with my complexion and break outs.  I have recently overhauled my routine and am seeing significant results! It's been a slow process but I feel like something is finally working and not just a "quick fix." This retinol product is doing most of the work, I believe.  Again, expensive but worth it! It basically sloughs off dead skin. You use a tiny amount 2-3 times per week, so it lasts forever.  My skin is looking great as far as bumps go and now it's slowly getting rid off the red marks left behind by the acne. I've been using it for about 6 weeks though (like I said, a long process)! 

Just thought I'd share my two cents!
Like always, enjoy what is to come and laugh every chance you get! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

8 Long Months

As of yesterday, it has been 8 months since my friend Shannon was killed. It has been such a long, surreal eight months. I use the term surreal for lack of a better word.  You would think that after 8 months, I would have come to accept that she is gone. The surreal part is that I haven't. I can't even count the number of times I have to convince myself again and again of the event that happened 8 months ago; the event that took such a great friend and person from me, her family, and this world. Maybe it is because I'm not around there right now.  I would only be catching up with her through phone calls and facebook chats like we have for the last year and a half. So I guess it's those times that I get the urge to call her that I have to face reality.

Some things have been weighing on me heavily recently. For some reason, her memory, her story, and our times spent together have been heavily on my mind. Of course, I think of her every day; but the past couple of weeks have been different. Something about it...

It's that feeling you get when you have forgotten something important. But, this time, it's connected to her. I feel there is something I should be doing or should have done and I just can't quite place my finger on it.  I know there is a lot I want to do once I move back to Georgia but it's big plans and plans I am still unsure of how to start. Maybe that is what I am supposed to be doing. I'm not sure. But I feel that she is with me and pushing me to do something. I just wish I knew what it was so I could shake this feeling.

I miss her dearly and cherish every memory I have of her. I hope that her positivity and kindness can live on through me and I hope to be a part of her children's lives so that I can tell them stories of their mother. Rest in peace my sweet Shannon. I know I'll see you again.

If you or someone you know is being affected by domestic violence, please click on some of the links I've provided and speak up! 

In Shannon's spirit, enjoy what is to come and laugh every chance you get!

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Blog Novice

Hey everyone! So I am new to this whole blog thing. (I know, I'm a little behind the times on this). But I thought it would be fun to start with just a personal blog and see how it evolves. Welcome to my journey!

I apologize if I change this around too much or don't update enough but, like I said, I'm new to this and will more than likely change things once I learn more.

So what can you expect from this? Nothing really... :) I have a feeling this will be mainly an outlet for me, at least at first. It will probably only be randomly updated as new events occur or I find a cool project I want to share. Like the title implies, you are reading this to read about a day in my life. It will mainly be for friends, family, and laughs!

Thanks for joining me and being curious enough to read my nonsense! Enjoy what is to come and laugh every chance you get!